Ed Campbell bowls for his team, T. Mueth, at Tropicana Lanes in Richmond Heights, Mo, Thursday, October 15, 2010. The T. Mueth bowl in the Lumbermen of Greater St. Louis Bowling league.
Mike Puzniak bowls a strike at the Lumbermen of Greater St. Louis Bowling League (LOGS) at Tropicana Lanes in Richmond Heights, Mo, Thursday, October 15, 2010. LOGS, which was established in 1928, is the oldest bowling league this side of the Mississippi River.
Drew Fannin hopes for a spare as he bowls for the Sons of Rotton in Lumbermen of Greater St. Louis Bowling League at Tropicana Lanes in Richmond Heights, Mo, Thursday, October 15, 2010. The Son's of Rotton are the reigning champions in this historic bowling league.
David Tackitt throws his bowling ball down the lanes at Tropicana Lanes in Richmond Heights, Mo, Thursday, October 15, 2010. Bowling's simple rules and easy adaptability make it a popular sport among youth and seniors alike.
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